winter survival clothes
hey a friend of mine John Jane l0 hejust did a video and the subject wasliving and extreme cold and surviving init and how to you know what to wear andkeep her house warm stuff like that takecare of your animals and I thought thatwas a great video and I live a littlefurther south than he does I think it’simportant for people in my region toknow what to do and what kind ofclothing to get for when thetemperatures plummet down into the 50sso I’m going to show you a couple ofthings here that people in my region maymay not be aware of and that is shirtsthat come with sleeves that would go allthe way down to your wrist you mighthave a special order these at Walmartbut they exist and what they do is keepyour arms warmer for those dangerousdangerously low temperatures anotherthing is shorts that actually are verylong and these shorts would go all theway down to your ankles that’s animportant piece of cold weather gearthere and the final thing is thesedevices that fully encapsulate your feetand apparently they protect it from youknow forty to fifty degree temperaturebut there’s one thing you have to getbefore you put your feet into them youhave to wear these foot underwear Iguess that that protects the the footencapsulating devices from sweat orsomething I don’t know but I thought Iwould bring you up to the up to speed onsome of the safety gear the temperaturerelated survival gear for this area sowhen temperatures plummet down into the50sdon’t risk it wear shirts were thesleeves butthe wrists wear shorts where the legs godown to your ankles and the flippingcaps letting devices and the footunderwear okay thanks for watching y’all